Eliza’s Journey

Eliza M., San Jose, California

Student | Hair Type: Straight, Fine, Color-Treated


What is your favorite thing about your hair?

Thanks to EVOLVh my hair is so soft and sleek - it’s easy to style and the products keep my hair healthy and make it look shiny and clean.

And your least favorite?

How my hair builds up so much grease that I need to wash it more often than I would like to.

How have your feelings about your hair evolved? 

It has grown and changed SO much. I used to hate my hair and put it up in a ponytail every day so I wouldn't have to deal with it because I didn't like it. The cut and color I received as a teen changed everything. Becoming a redhead made me feel like a better and more exciting version of myself. At the same time I started using EVOLVh which changed my hair too - I was able to keep a better length while keeping my hair healthy.

Do you recall ever being envious of someone else’s hair or comparing your hair to that of a friend/peer/celebrity? Any hair crushes? 

Absolutely! Every hair show I've gone to I've met someone with gorgeous locks that are so thick that I'm immediately jealous - only to find out it's all because of extensions that are so pristine that you can't tell they’re even in there. For a celebrity hair crush - definitely J.Lo. Her team does a wonderful job of creating luscious and long locks while keeping volume.

Are there any specific hair “phases” that stand out in your memory? Certain haircuts and/or experiments with color perhaps? 

In middle school, I dyed my side bangs red with Kool-Aid - which was super in. I also had the feather in my hair for a period of time when I was younger. Another bad phase with my hair was after hair modeling - I had short half side bangs above my eyes and when I went to school everyone was like “yikes,” and I agreed, but I was hair modeling and they were attempting to experiment, but it just didn't work. Now when I get haircuts I am very vocal about how short they can cut my side bangs and fringe.

Do you have any regrets or “what was I thinking” moments involving your hair? 

There were a few “what was I thinking” moments in high school when I would cut my own hair and my Mom would have to fix it because it was uneven in the back. I also allowed my colorist to dye my hair really light (almost blonde) ginger. Looking back at old pictures I’m like.. wow - why didn't anyone tell me I looked like a highlighter?!

How has time/maturity impacted the way you feel about your hair now and how does that relate to your overall self-worth and self-esteem?

When I was younger I didn't like my hair at all. I wore it up in a ponytail everyday and got it cut so that it would look good that way. But as soon as I got my hair colored red, my whole perspective changed. It felt right and it made me feel good and want to wear it down. My hair became more exciting as I got older. Every day I like to play with it and use it as a way to make myself look younger, older, from the 90s, or just let it be natural. My hair now makes me feel good and like myself!

Tell us about your experience taking part in this shoot/campaign!

It was really fun! I'm really picky about how I do my hair and makeup, so it was really hard to let someone else do them for me, but I ended up loving my hair and even though I was pretty bare-faced, I knew that the makeups artist’s goal was to make me look good and that I needed to trust the process. I had so much fun at the shoot - I Iove being in front of the camera and being allowed to be whoever I want. I especially love how the pictures and videos came out!