Hannah’s Journey

Hannah H., Los Angeles, California

YouTuber/Actress | Hair Type: Fine, Wavy


What is your favorite thing about your hair?

I love the color - it's natural, and even though there have been many times when I was tempted to color it, I'm glad I didn't. I love that I don't have to worry about the upkeep and maintenance that comes with coloring your hair.

And your least favorite?

It's a weird in-between texture. It's kind of wavy in the back, but straight in the front. I would love for it to be wavy all over so I could wear it natural more often.

How have your feelings about your hair evolved? 

When I was younger I was always jealous of girls who got highlights in their hair and always wished I could do the same. Now that I'm older I'm glad I never dyed my hair because I am able to see and appreciate my natural color.

Do you recall ever being envious of someone else’s hair or comparing your hair to that of a friend/peer/celebrity? Any hair crushes? 

I've always loved my mom's hair. My hair was stick straight until I got older and it started to get more wavy, but my mom has perfect wavy curls 24/7. Her hair always looks amazing!

Are there any specific hair “phases” that stand out in your memory? Certain haircuts and/or experiments with color perhaps? 

I always loved the way the Olsen twins did their hair and tried to copy them. They had this one style where the top layer was curled under and the bottom layer was flipped out - I loved that look.

Do you have any regrets or “what was I thinking” moments involving your hair? 

I cut my hair into a chin-length bob when I was younger and it totally scared me away from trying new styles. The cut was just not flattering for my face shape. Luckily I know what cuts work for me and will stay far away from the chin-length bobs.

How has time/maturity impacted the way you feel about your hair now and how does that relate to your overall self-worth and self-esteem?

I think I know which looks flatter me best and with that comes confidence.

Tell us about your experience taking part in this shoot/campaign!

I'm used to being in front of the camera for work so I had a lot of fun!