Iman's Journey

Iman A., Brooklyn, New York

Actor | Hair Type: 3b-4a (Curly)


What is your favorite thing about your hair?

I love that my hair is thick, full, and flexible. I’ve always had a lot of hair and would think that it was unmanageable at times, but since going natural and learning more about my curl type and finding products that work for me, I’ve grown to love my texture and all the variety I have in styling.

And your least favorite?

My hair can be dry at times, especially during the winter and styling requires planning beforehand, which can be annoying if I want to just get up & go.

How have your feelings about your hair evolved? 

I’ve always loved my hair, but had a hard time managing it when I was younger. Because I have  thick, curly, long hair; going to a salon was expensive and impossible.

So, I wore braids a lot during my childhood. My mom almost always did my hair growing up and would style and shape my hair until her hands were tired. She taught me a lot about taking care of my hair and part of that was making sure it was well moisturized, combed, and protected. I had always wanted to wear my hair out when I was a child, not knowing that it wasn’t the best style for my texture at the time. 

When I became a teenager I wanted to straighten it. Mainly because my peers all had straight hair and having straight hair was the beauty norm. I used to get relaxers but after the damage I saw it was causing to my natural hair, I stopped. This was midway through my junior year in college. It was at that point that I decided to go natural and never look back. Honestly, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done! 

Learning my texture, how to manage my hair, and what products to use was a journey, but I’m glad I stuck with it. My hair has helped me become comfortable in my own skin. It has helped me transition into the woman I am today. 

Do you recall ever being envious of someone else’s hair? 

When I was younger I would compare my hair to my friends and peers. I always wanted to dye and straighten my hair but, was always told not to because it would damage it.

Any specific hair “phases” that stand out?

I dyed my hair a blonde balayage once! It actually came out beautiful but the upkeep was a lot. 

Do you have any hair regrets? 

Not really, to be honest. It’s all been a part of the journey. I actually want to be even more adventurous with my hair moving forward. I want to try more braid styles, maybe even mess around with different wig looks and color options. There are so many ways to style hair now without risking the health of your natural texture; it's really exciting!

How has time/maturity impacted the way you feel about your hair now and how does that relate to your overall self-worth and self-esteem?

I’ve gotten much more comfortable with my hair; also learning how to manage my hair has been huge. My hair makes me feel like a superwoman - I love her!

Tell us about your experience taking part in this shoot/campaign!

I loved working on this campaign and with the team! The environment was warm and welcoming, which didn't make me feel nervous at all. It exceeded my expectations!