Sarah's Journey

Sarah M., Brooklyn, New York

Creative Director & Producer | Hair Type: Curly


What is your favorite thing about your hair?

I used to hate my hair for the same reason I love it now: it's so unique! My curls make me different and stand out and I love that about them.

And your least favorite?

I still haven't mastered the ability to maintain my curls for more than two days without washing them. I'm still trying to figure that out though!

How have your feelings about your hair evolved? 

When I was younger I used to straighten my hair as much as my mom would let me because I wanted to fit in and look like everyone else. High School was all about fitting in, but then I moved to New York for college and it became the opposite - it was all about standing out. What I used to hate about myself, I grew to love.

Do you recall any celeb hair crushes? 

I'm a 90's kid so I, like many others, envied Jennifer Aniston's “Rachel haircut.” I would never be able to get that look with my own hair!

Any specific hair “phases” that stand out?

I had an ex-boyfriend who I was on and off with all the time. Every time we broke up - I dyed my hair. First it was purple tips, then it was blonde, then it was jet black. When we broke up permanently, I went back to my natural hair color and have never changed it since!

Do you have any hair regrets? 

Dying my hair blonde was the worst decision I’ve ever made! It became brassy and frizzy so quickly. It took so much time and money to maintain. I will never do that again!

How has time/maturity impacted the way you feel about your hair now and how does that relate to your overall self-worth and self-esteem?

I feel the best in my natural curly hair because it frames my face perfectly and compliments every look I wear. I'm so blessed to have it!

Tell us about your experience taking part in this shoot/campaign!

It was so fun and the team was great!